Friday, January 28, 2005

Biogeography Burn-Out

I've been working two straight weeks non-stop on my research project, working on nothing but biogeography. It's because of that that I've felt really burnt out from working so hard on my project, and have pretty much ignored everything else. Which isn't a good idea, seeing as how I've got a lot of stuff coming up in the next two weeks; my ZOO 354 assignment, and my ZOO 462 test and assignment -- and studying for the upcoming BOT 251 test...

It's a shame though, because I was really looking forward to Dominic Halas' GAS seminar talk on the "Crisis of Biogeography". But sitting there in the Ramsay Wright lounge, I felt that if I'd ever hear the words "taxon-area cladogram" again today I'd scream.

Ah well. I suppose I could email Halas and ask him for papers/references on his talk.


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