Friday, December 03, 2004

An excuse for laziness

Two months since I've last posted up here. Yikes. I've been trying to make it a point to post more often but part of it is that I haven't really thought of too much to post about.

What I originally wanted to do was to make this a more science-oriented blog, like Pharyngula, and less of a place for me to generally vomit my feelings and thoughts. But to do so would mean that I'd have to spend a whole lot of time writing about journal articles I've read which I've found interesting, and really, that isn't what I want to do on a regular basis in my off-time, since that's what I pretty much do all the time for my other courses. In other words, I'm just feeling extremely lazy. Which I find somewhat ironic, seeing as how I'm currently annoyed at one of my friends over her excessive laziness.

I also originally wanted to totally erase my site at LiveJournal, but after three consecutive nights of non-stop wrestling with Xjournal, I decided to leave everything there, as a sort of monument to my own stupidity and immaturity. It's just as well, I think. I get the feeling that I'd forget just how stupid and idiotic I've been throughout my life, and if you forget that, that tends to exponentially increase the liklihood that you'll just do it all over again.

In any case, I guess what I'll do is find some middle-ground; somewhere in between my periodic emotional dumps and my sudden bursts of scientific insight. Let's hope I get more of the latter than the former.

[EDIT: Added the link to Pharyngula, one of my favourite blog sites on the web. Fixed some damn typos, too.]


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