The Vision Thing: Addenda
A bit of a correction is in order; the branched tentacles I showed in the second sea cucumber picture are indeed feeding structures: the respiratory tree is actually a completely internal structure. It's still connected to its anus though.

The structure(s) outlined in pink are the respiratory trees in this holothuroidean.
In reponse to Naomi's earlier comment I some agree and disagree; to me, vision is more than simple imagination; it's passion, focus, drive, and even a bit of madness. It's a belief in an idea of how things should that is so strong that someone is willing to push himself and even the ones he or she loves to their absolute breaking point in order to see them through.
And admittedly, a lot of people don't have that. I think the primary reason for that is that we are centered in a society so completely divorced from our environment that we are from the beginning of our lives rendered incapable of developing any awareness of what exists around us, for those who do feel that awareness, it needs to be grown, fostered, and cultivated within the context and confines of a culture that is openly hostile to such thinking.
But I think she's right in that there is a price to trying to realize a vision before its due in society. The sad reality however, is that the biodiversity crisis cannot wait for society to reach the point where it acheives its much sought-after environmental epiphany: it demands immediate, decisive action, regardless of what human society deems appropriate.
Just curious: What are biologists now thinking should be done about it? Human extermination of a given invasive species in an invaded environment? or are they coming up with other options?
I am not sure about other places but I live in a country where there are people who are so attuned to nature and their environment that it is simply amazing - they are very few in number compared to the majority urban population but they are still there - living in tribals lands or in smaller remote secluded communities. And they inspire so much in people like me.
I haven't read all your posts except the previous one so pardon me if this is also a continuation of something else and I am being off topic - but have you heard of the Chipko movement in India? That had true vision and I feel, given some time and with some effort, it is possible for nearly everyone to cultivate awareness and possess the 'vision'. But of course, the fact that it is possible does not negate the fact it is also urgent and I quite agree with what you say about immediate acion being required.
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